Published Research by DARA Big Data Students
DARA Big Data students have produced a large amount of published research during their studies and presented at various national and international conferences. Links to their work are listed below by author and area of research.
Ewurama Akuoko (MPhil Cancer Sciences)
Lameck Amugongo (PhD Cancer Sciences)
Identification of modes of tumour changes in NSCLC during radiotherapy (poster)
PO-1569: Early prediction of tumour-response to radiotherapy in NSCLC patients (poster)
Identification of modes of tumour regression in NSCLC patients during radiotherapy (paper)
David Bastien (MSc Astronomy & Astrophysics)
Structured variational inference for simulating populations of radio galaxies (paper)
Case study on Data Collection of Kreol Morisien, a Low-Resourced Creole Language (paper)
Zafiirah Hosenie (PhD Astronomy & Astrophysics)
DEEPSOURCE: point source detection using deep learning (co-author, paper)
Data Augmentation in a Hierarchical-Based Classification scheme for Variable Stars (paper)
Data Augmentation in a Hierarchical-Based Classification scheme for Variable Stars (poster)
Classification of Optical Transients at the MeerLICHT Telescope using Deep Learning (paper)
​Classification of Optical Transients at the MeerLICHT Telescope using Deep Learning (poster)
MeerCRAB: MeerLICHT Classification of Real and Bogus Transients using Deep Learning (paper)
Carringtone Kinyanjui (MPhil Science Policy)
Science in 1970: A Global Picture (video presentation)
Astrotourism in the Mara (co-author, paper)
Joyce Koranteng-Acquah (MPhil Science Policy)
Simon Ndiritu (MSc Astronomy & Astrophysics)
Imputing missing data for polarisation measurements (thesis)
Gaussian Process Modelling for Improved Resolution in Faraday Depth Reconstruction (paper)
Emmanuel Ngonga (MSc Agricultural Data Science)
Kushatha Ntwaetsile (PhD Astronomy & Astrophysics)
Hajanirina Randriamanantena (MRes Astronomy & Astrophysics)
Edward Salakpi (PhD Data Intensive Science - Agriculture)
Forecasting vegetation condition for drought early warning systems in pastoral communities in Kenya (paper)
Remote sensing and machine learning (contributor, UK Parliament POSTnote)
Mapping Opuntia stricta in the Arid and Semi-Arid Environment of Kenya Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Ensemble Machine Learning Classifiers (co-author, paper)
A Dynamic Hierarchical Bayesian Approach for Forecasting Vegetation Condition (paper)
Forecasting vegetation condition with a Bayesian auto-regressive distributed lags (BARDL) model (paper)
Chelmis Thiong'o (MPhil Cancer Sciences)